Driving is the most common activity people do nowadays. With so many people on the road, we all have to abide by the law and stick to the road rules. This is good, but it you also need to be polite and friendly for a good driving experience..

Driving on highways is more difficult these days because of the amount of cars on the road. This sheer volume of cars causes congestion which brings with it other problems. The easiest way to get the best out of the driving experience is by being courteous and polite.

  • Let a driver through – if you see a driver indicating and moving ahead of you to change lanes, let them through. It won’t affect your trip in any way and you will feel better knowing that no one will swerve in front of you.
  • Stop at a pedestrian crossing – when you reach a pedestrian crossing and see that people are waiting to cross the road. Do the right thing and stop. Allow them to cross safely then proceed. Do the same at a stop sign. Many people do slow down at the stop sign and proceed when they know it’s their turn. Remember that a pedestrian is allowed to cross the road too. Since they were there first, they have right of way too.
  • Move to the slow lane – there are usually three or more lanes on a highway. The lane on the far right side is for cars to pass by. The lane on the far left side where you should be if you driving the speed limit or slower. Usually trucks choose this lane as they do not usually have to pass any cars. If you want accelerate past the car ahead of you, don’t hoot at the car that is in the correct lane or put pressure on them. Simply move to the right lane and pass them. The rule is keep left, pass right.
  • Fast lane is for passing – the same applies for the fast lane. Don’t drive half the speed limit of the fast lane. This lane is only for passing other cars. If you tend to pass cars often, you can remain in the middle lane and pass in the right lane when approach other vehicles.
  • Own the mistake – if you have made an incorrect manoeuvre, make sure that you apologise to the other drivers that had to slam on brakes not to crash into you. It would also be wise to do the apology sincerely without laughing or smiling innocently.
  • Warn people – sometimes people don’t realise that their lights are not on at night. Warn them by simply flashing them with your “brights”. When drivers flash another driver it usually means that there is something wrong or that you need to put your lights on. Also warn people if you brake suddenly by using your hazards. There may be an accident or a wheel on the road that causes congestion.
  • Say thank you – if someone lets you through into their lane make sure that you thank them. You can do this either by putting your hand up to show that you have acknowledged their kind gesture or you can switch your hazards on for two blinks.
  • Simultaneous stop – this is where your “brights” come in handy again. Not often does it happen that two drivers arrive at the same stop sign at the same time but often a little bright light can indicate that you give them right of way first.

Following the general rules of the road as well as a few courteous one will make the journey more pleasant. Always be polite to the other drivers and they will surely be polite back to you.